Sunday, May 26, 2013

What's New at the Library?

Interested in the Summer Reading
Program at the library?  We say
ring on" all the fun, smiles, 

books, music, and friends.  
An annual free event beginning
in June, you won't want that
special child we all love to miss it!

Call 943-3016 today for more
details and or E-Mail the staff at

The library is located at 814 Twelfth
Street in Lawrenceville, Illinois  62439

Discover more at their website:

Monday, May 6, 2013

Every Child. Every Parent. Every Day.

Why reading aloud 
15 minutes every day
to kids matters.

We can follow news on Face Book and Twitter.

Make that difference for kids!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Inspire, Create, Lead, Love

Any superheros out there?
We think every child
needs and deserves one,
because creativity is key to

the success of every human being.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Helping the Delayed Reader

Know a child who's a delayed reader?
When should you be worried?
We know the earlier you address such
concerns, the easier it is to remediate.

According to K12, there are several things
parents can do to encourage literacy:

Read more: