Sunday, October 20, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" OCT. 15-18, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

This week, a "shout out" to kids doing meaningful things that make a difference.  

"I saw my sister had her bike up at the park
but she's in Night Owls.  I was 
afraid her bike might disappear.  So I rode mine home,
walked back to the park and 
her bicycle safely back home."

"At the end of the day we remind others to remember assignments or books for Night
Owls.  During tutoring I concentrate on
my homework but also help others who
are working on theirs."  

"I help one of my classmates to
get her daily job prepared.  She's in
charge of 
the calendar, so we're partners
in setting things 
up.  That way,
 she's ready-to-go."
"It's important to care, so I'm at the side of  someone working on a new story.  Everyday
we sit together and read.  I 
help with
anything that give her trouble." 

We are surrounded by acts such as these and
witness when our children do not withhold
when they have the power to do it.
They inspire and encourage others,
which is really superb & classy!
~Rose West

Sunday, September 29, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" SEPT. 23-27, 2019

Join us all year for accomplishments from Parkside

This week we added two different videos to our
"home" on YouTube, a special place celebrating
Parkside's young leaders and their accomplishments.

We cannot say enough about the amazing strides
our youth make with teachers, classmates, and friends.
Those efforts make learning at school rewarding,
sometimes a challenge, but always worthwhile! 
Please join us all school year.
*Click on the link above & enjoy!
~Rose West

"Blooming Leaders" SEPT. 16-20, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

How's the school year going so far and
what kind of goals have you set for yourself?

"I really like fifth grade; it's been a lot
of fun.  I think our fourth graders
will enjoy it too, next year.
A goal I set for myself was to read &
reach at least 15 AR points this month.
I accomplished that with 16 points so far."

"I think our school is cool!  Everyone's
really nice at Parkside and all the
teachers are great.  My goal was to reach 15
 AR points with reading interesting books. 
So far so good, I reached 17.8
points just this week."   

"I think setting goals and remembering to
your best is how people can find success
in life.  A goal I'm trying to reach in 
September is reading books to get at
least 15 AR points. 
I'm real close this
week, with 13 out of 15 total points."

Do you hear the wisdom here, from our fifth graders?
Focused, honest, and determined to manage their
time and accomplish certain goals they set
for themselves.  
~Rose West

Saturday, September 14, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" SEPT. 9-13, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

What makes a friendship so special?

"He's funny and nice to me."  ~Josiah
"Josiah's nice to me and everyone else too."  

"Landon is so nice.  We have been friends
since being together in Pre-K."  ~Braxton

"Being with a true friend is so much fun!"

"Nevaeh sits with me at lunch."  ~Molly
"She makes me smile!"  ~Nevaeh

Simple, heartfelt beliefs are perhaps one key
to understanding our children and learning
how to find "joy" in those around us.
~Rose West

Saturday, September 7, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" SEPT 2-6, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

Why is it important to be kind?

Monday September 2nd
"We're kind to help people out.  I treat
as I'd want to be treated."  ~Aden, 5th

Tuesday September 3rd
"There's no reason not to treat others
in a friendly, helpful way."  ~Daniel, 5th

Wednesday September 4th
"You should always be kind to others,
especially with those who have difficult lives
."  ~Nox, 5th

Thursday September 5th
"Showing kindness to others makes them
happy, and then you feel it too."  ~Bryer, 5th

Friday September 6th
"Being nice is a habit, but being mean is an intentional thing. Choose to be kind."
  ~Hudson, 5th

I think these kids reason with their hearts
and think with their heads, a powerful testament
to making our school and community a finer place.
~Rose West

Saturday, August 31, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" AUG. 26-30, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

On a scale of one to ten, how would
 you "rate"our first full week of classes?

Monday August 26th
"I give it an 11 because it feels fun and new!"  ~Malaki, 5th

Tuesday August 27th
"I give it an 8.  Getting homework done and recess could be improved."  ~Clayton, 5th

Wednesday August 28th
"I give it an 8 for it's hard but getting better.  
I like my teacher and the kids in my class."                                                                     ~Aubrey, 3rd

Thursday August 29th
        "I'll give it an 11 because I'm a leader."                                                                  ~Evelynn, 4th

Friday August 30th
        "My room, our class, and the
chairs are all great.  I give it a 20."  
                                                                ~Kaylan, 5th

You know, "leadership" is loud,
soft, thoughtful, funny, and honest.
Have a great Labor Day weekend!  ~Rose West

Sunday, August 18, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" AUG. 19-23, 2019

Join us all  year for thoughts from youth at Parkside.

What encouraging words or advice
would make a real difference to others?

Monday August 19th
"I'm new today."  ~Kynleigh, PreK

Tuesday August 20th
"Remember- once a leader,
    always a leader."  
~Ellie Marie, 5th

Wednesday August 21st
"Always say you're sorry."  ~Kylie Ann, K

Thursday August 22nd
"I like your personality
you make me smile."  
~Alexis Nicole, 5th

Friday August 23rd
"I'm great and you are too.
~Gracelyn Jeanelle,K

You know, flowers
care where they grow.  
Have a great week.    ~ Rose West  

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Summer Program--Week #6

Just two weeks left to celebrate
at the library.....a whole lot of fun!     

Thursday July 11th @ 2:00 P.M.
"The Wizard of Oz"
*Presented at Lawrenceville High School

Summer Schedule

Thursday July 18th @ 11:00 A.M.
Pizza Party & Holiday World "ticket drawing"

Lawrenceville Public Library District
814 Twelfth Street
Lawrenceville, Illinois  62439

Monday, July 1, 2019

Summer Program-- Week #5

Into the month of July & still
"going strong!"  Independence
Day dictates that the program
this week is on 7-2-2019.

Tuesday July 2nd @ 5:30 P.M.
Chris Fascione-- "Juggling Funny Stories"

Summer Schedule

*Thursday July 11th @ 2:00 P.M.
Madcap Puppets:  "Wizard of Oz"
Presented at Lawrenceville High School

Thursday July 18th @ 11:00 A.M.
Pizza Party & Holiday World "ticket drawing"

Lawrence Public Library District
814 Twelfth Street
Lawrenceville, Illinois  62439

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Summer Program- Week #4

Marked your calendar 
for the library program this week?

"Mad Science" @ 2:00 P.M. 
Thursday June 27th
Lawrence Public Library

Summer Schedule
Tuesday July 2nd @ 5:30 P.M.
Chris Fascione- Juggling Funny Stories

*Thursday July 11th @ 2:00 P.M.
Madcap Puppets:  "Wizard of Oz"
Presented at Lawrenceville High School

Thursday July 18th @ 11:00 A.M.
Pizza Party & Holiday World "ticket drawing"

Lawrence Public Library District
814 12th Street
Lawrenceville, Illinois  

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Summer Program- Week #3

Run, don't walk!
More great times at the library.  

Thursday June 20th at 10:00 A.M.
Magician, Mr. Daniel Lusk
Summer Schedule
Thursday June 27th @ 2:00 P.M.
Mad Science of St. Louis

Tuesday July 2nd @ 5:30 P.M.
Chris Fascione- Juggling Funny Stories

*Thursday July 11th @ 2:00 P.M.
Madcap Puppets:  "Wizard of Oz"
Presented at Lawrenceville High School

Thursday July 18th @ 11:00 A.M.
Pizza Party & Holiday World "ticket drawing"

Lawrence Public Library District
814 12th Street
Lawrenceville, Illinois  

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Summer Program- Week #2

Lawrence Public Library presents
the next afternoon of FUN on Thursday,
June 13th for readers we know & love!
Leonardo Music at 2:00 P.M.
"Rockin' & Reading"

Summer Schedule
Thursday June 20th @ 10:00 A.M.
Daniel Lusk, Magician

Thursday June 27th @ 2:00 P.M.
Mad Science of St. Louis

Tuesday July 2nd @ 5:30 P.M.
Chris Fascione- Juggling Funny Stories

*Thursday July 11th @ 2:00 P.M.
Madcap Puppets:  "Wizard of Oz"
Presented at Lawrenceville High School

Thursday July 18th @ 11:00 A.M.
Pizza Party & Holiday World "ticket drawing"

"Silly Safari" was the guest for Week #1 on June 6th, 
so don't miss another chance----mark your calendar today! 

Lawrence Public Library District
814 12th Street
Lawrenceville, Illinois  

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Summer Program- Week #1

Lawrence Public Library begins their
2019 Summer Program Thursday June 6th!
Shows at 1:00 & 3:30 P.M.

Join the fun at "Silly Safaris:"
These folks are serious about education.
See you this Thursday!
Lawrence Public Library District
814 12th Street
Lawrenceville, Illinois

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Workshop..."Our Pride is Showing"

A "Writers Workshop," that 
chance to read aloud your
works for 
family and friends.
Yes, there are some nervous
moments.  After all this time is
a culmination of reading, study, and
a year-long quest to express thoughts
about some of the things you've learned.
It's an opportunity for growth.

It's an opportunity to set
new personal goals, 
beyond this day.
After all, readers are writers!
