Sunday, September 29, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" SEPT. 23-27, 2019

Join us all year for accomplishments from Parkside

This week we added two different videos to our
"home" on YouTube, a special place celebrating
Parkside's young leaders and their accomplishments.

We cannot say enough about the amazing strides
our youth make with teachers, classmates, and friends.
Those efforts make learning at school rewarding,
sometimes a challenge, but always worthwhile! 
Please join us all school year.
*Click on the link above & enjoy!
~Rose West

"Blooming Leaders" SEPT. 16-20, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

How's the school year going so far and
what kind of goals have you set for yourself?

"I really like fifth grade; it's been a lot
of fun.  I think our fourth graders
will enjoy it too, next year.
A goal I set for myself was to read &
reach at least 15 AR points this month.
I accomplished that with 16 points so far."

"I think our school is cool!  Everyone's
really nice at Parkside and all the
teachers are great.  My goal was to reach 15
 AR points with reading interesting books. 
So far so good, I reached 17.8
points just this week."   

"I think setting goals and remembering to
your best is how people can find success
in life.  A goal I'm trying to reach in 
September is reading books to get at
least 15 AR points. 
I'm real close this
week, with 13 out of 15 total points."

Do you hear the wisdom here, from our fifth graders?
Focused, honest, and determined to manage their
time and accomplish certain goals they set
for themselves.  
~Rose West

Saturday, September 14, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" SEPT. 9-13, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

What makes a friendship so special?

"He's funny and nice to me."  ~Josiah
"Josiah's nice to me and everyone else too."  

"Landon is so nice.  We have been friends
since being together in Pre-K."  ~Braxton

"Being with a true friend is so much fun!"

"Nevaeh sits with me at lunch."  ~Molly
"She makes me smile!"  ~Nevaeh

Simple, heartfelt beliefs are perhaps one key
to understanding our children and learning
how to find "joy" in those around us.
~Rose West

Saturday, September 7, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" SEPT 2-6, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

Why is it important to be kind?

Monday September 2nd
"We're kind to help people out.  I treat
as I'd want to be treated."  ~Aden, 5th

Tuesday September 3rd
"There's no reason not to treat others
in a friendly, helpful way."  ~Daniel, 5th

Wednesday September 4th
"You should always be kind to others,
especially with those who have difficult lives
."  ~Nox, 5th

Thursday September 5th
"Showing kindness to others makes them
happy, and then you feel it too."  ~Bryer, 5th

Friday September 6th
"Being nice is a habit, but being mean is an intentional thing. Choose to be kind."
  ~Hudson, 5th

I think these kids reason with their hearts
and think with their heads, a powerful testament
to making our school and community a finer place.
~Rose West