Sunday, October 20, 2019

"Blooming Leaders" OCT. 15-18, 2019

Join us all year for thoughts from youth at Parkside

This week, a "shout out" to kids doing meaningful things that make a difference.  

"I saw my sister had her bike up at the park
but she's in Night Owls.  I was 
afraid her bike might disappear.  So I rode mine home,
walked back to the park and 
her bicycle safely back home."

"At the end of the day we remind others to remember assignments or books for Night
Owls.  During tutoring I concentrate on
my homework but also help others who
are working on theirs."  

"I help one of my classmates to
get her daily job prepared.  She's in
charge of 
the calendar, so we're partners
in setting things 
up.  That way,
 she's ready-to-go."
"It's important to care, so I'm at the side of  someone working on a new story.  Everyday
we sit together and read.  I 
help with
anything that give her trouble." 

We are surrounded by acts such as these and
witness when our children do not withhold
when they have the power to do it.
They inspire and encourage others,
which is really superb & classy!
~Rose West